For this final project, I chose a lesson plan on multiplying polynomials, that I have previously done for my English Language Learners class. I made alterations needed to fit the needs for this assignment. I began the lesson by giving the students the vocabulary needed and asked them to work in groups and come up with a definition for each term. The groups typed in their definitions on their iPads, which were sent directly to the Smartboard, and the class could then decide on the final definitions that they all wrote down.
Now, that the students had the needed ground work, I would explain that we are going to learn how to multiply polynomials. I would write several examples on the Smartboard, and model a couple for the students. Next, I would ask them to help me multiply the rest and tell me exactly what to do step by step. I would then pose several questions to the students to get them to think and notice what happens when we multiply a monomial x monomial, monomial x binomial, binomial x binomial, and binomial x trinomial.
Since, all the students have iPads, we can make great use of them. There is a website called National Library of Virtual Manipulatives, contains a list of virtual "hands-on" tools for students to use while using a computer during a lesson or while doing homework. All students would go on the website, and hit the algebra tiles manipulative. This tool teaches students how to multiply polynomials using algebra tiles. The students would work individually on several problems and then I would open the website on the Smartboard, so we could discuss as a class what they have learned. While, the students worked individually, I would have walked around to assess informally if they understand the concept.
Next, the students would research a polynomial multiplication video with their groups on SchoolTube, to get a different way of instruction, in case they did not understand when I explained it. Students should now be ready for a real life application. They will be given a problem, and asked to work it out using polynomial multiplication. I would be walking around offering help, but the students can also use the virtual algebra tiles, the videos, or any methods we have learned in class thus far to come up with a solution.
In this final part of the lesson, we would have a large group discussion to organize and clarify all that they have learned in the lesson. Students would be encouraged to ask questions, which other students or I could answer. Everyone would make a list of the recurring themes or patterns they have noticed when multiplying polynomials and email it to themselves.
For homework, students would be asked to write a short poem, story, or song and create a video for multiplying polynomials. We would watch all the videos in class and take a poll, on Kwipoll, which allows teachers to take a poll of the class, and the winning video would be uploaded on SchoolTube. This should get the students excited and while making the video they will gain a better understanding of multiplying polynomials.
In this lesson, the students used a variety of technology that made the lesson more interesting and relatable, rather than solving problems on a piece of paper. Students were exposed to different approaches of teaching and learning, so that if they did not understand it one way, they could try it another way. Students were able to make connections and in the end all should have understood how to multiply polynomials, which was the objective of the lesson.
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