Friday, March 30, 2012

Math Anxiety + Technology = Success

Math often causes anxiety in students. They fear the subject and become frustrated or lack confidence. This has become such a big issue that researchers have created an anxiety scale for math. Students may feel nervous, helpless, hopeless or panic.  This fear usually comes from unpleasant experiences with mathematics.  Poor teaching causes limited learning, which results in math anxiety.
The anxiety can be overcome with a positive attitude, asking questions and practicing regularly. Though a more effective way could be incorporating technology into the math classrooms. When students are able to relate to what they are learning it becomes easier to understand. In addition, technology is  great for visualization and hands on activities because it will help the students grasp the concept better. 
In the article Math Class Takes a Surprisingly Fun Twist, we can see the perfect example of how technology can lessen anxiety and actually make math fun. The classroom is described as: "The walls have magnetic paint and are coated with a material that effectively turns most of the entire room into a giant whiteboard. The tables, too, are whiteboards, and there's an iPad for every table. Two giant TV screens also grace the walls, among other features" (tech times). The students are encouraged to write on the walls, walk around, work in groups and be creative. The goal of this environment is to help students feel comfortable and not fear math. 
The teachers in that classroom work with a technical instructor, who steps in whenever students say they do not see how math is relevant to their lives. The technical instructor shows them exactly how it is, using a fun technical approach. The teachers have seen great improvement in their students and the change of attitude toward math. Some students even go as far as saying math is now their favorite subject. 
Everyone is exposed to technology in today’s society, therefore using it in the classroom is the perfect solution to reducing math anxiety. The anxiety may be compared to stage fright since they both are a disabling condition, causing humiliation, resentment, and even panic. But when technology is incorporated into the lessons, young children see math as fun, they will enjoy it, and, the joy of mathematics could remain with them throughout the rest of their lives.


  1. Anita, I was one of those students who had math anxiety! It didn't surface until middle school, but I believe that it was partly because we were always told that there was only one correct way to solve a math problem. The classroom described in this article sounds like an anxious math student's dream come true. Math was always such an isolated experience, and the classroom in the article encourages cooperative learning which can make a huge difference for some students. By allowing students to use magnetic boards, whiteboards, iPads and TV screens to work together and solve relevant math problems, the teachers free their students from the solitary fight between student, notebook, pencil, calculator and single correct answer. I wish my math classes had been structured like this one!

  2. Anita, although I was the type of student that always loved Math, I have to say that this is an spectacular idea. I can see a lot of the students that I went to school with who hated Math, loving it much more because of this technology integration. Just the fact that you are including this new technology, which a lot of these students are using at home, in the classroom, makes Math a lot more at attractive and fun for them. The only sad thing about this is that not all districts can afford to have these types of technologies in their Math classes. If they could, I think this would work wonders.

  3. Anita, thanks for sharing this article. As future teachers, we need to find ways to keep anxiety levels low and encourage all students to participate. It seems that technology has been a great asset for this school and changed the minds of many students. Unfortunately, many schools do not have the luxury of this advanced technology. At my fieldwork placement, there is little technology. There are blackboards, overhead transparencies, and one computer per classroom (not all work though). I am finding it extremely difficult to incorporate technology in this school. I only wish that most districts could afford these types of technologies as I think it would really help students.

  4. When I tell people that I'm an aspiring physics teacher, the most common reply I get is "Oh, that's great! I would've loved physics in high school if it weren't for all that [expletive] math!" I've always been worried that math anxiety was an all too common occurrence and that it's a dangerously self-depreciating mentality. It's so great to see that they found an approach that really works in turning that outlook around!

  5. Anita, this is a great idea! Many students (and even adults) think that being bad at math is just something you have to live with, but it's definitely not how it should be! Reducing math anxiety is a classroom can be a way to bring about positive feelings back to the subject of mathematics. Maybe then, Physics, Mathematics, and the sciences in general can get rid of their terrible reputation of being "hard" subjects to teach/learn.
